January // February // March // April // May // June // July // August // September // October // November // December
January// February + Sashiko Resources// March// April// May// June// July// August // September // October // November // December
January // February // March // April // May// July// August// October// November// December
Meeting minutes and highlights are compiled and submitted by the CDMQG Secretary - thank you!
We are thrilled with our new Menands Manor meeting space!
We enjoyed viewing the “American Seams” documentary, recapping the Silver Bay retreat (see below), and sharing our recent quilt creations.
Huge thanks to Karyn Dornemann for coordinating this retreat.
We very much look forward to the next one!
We had lots to eat, trivia and a fat quarter swap to play, and much to celebrate!
We created no-sew ornaments (thanks to Rachel Rose for the material prep and the instruction) and enjoyed seeing some completed Block of the Month quilts along with show & share pieces!
We loved the Quilt & Art lecture by Heidi Parkes, loved the items from Amelia’s Garden Sewing Boutique, and these Show & Share pieces too!
We learned about Upstitch from Joan Johnsen
and enjoyed seeing everyones UFOs that were moved forward as part of the 3rd Quarterly Challenge!
We learned so much about how to quilt (and live) in full color from Ben Millett
and showed some beautiful color in our show & share items!
We enjoyed each others company and learning about the Freezer FPP method!
Our Annual Picnic was held at Albany’s Six Mile Waterworks Park.
What a beautiful evening of sharing guild news and socializing together!
David Owen Hastings presented “Exploring Nature with Paper + Stitch”, we recapped our Empire Quiltfest participation and viewed some nice show & share items.
Angela Pachel’s Applique Pictoral Quilt Presentation was amazing!
And there were great Show & Share pieces too!
Quiltcon recap and show & share fun
Quilt Judging discussion, prep for EQF, and some delightful show & share pieces
Quilts in Movies & TV and some beautiful show & share items
At our Holiday Party we ate, we participated in games, we socialized, and we partied!
Ruth de Vos joined us over Zoom from Australia to talk about her journey as an artist and quiltmaker.
Her piecing technique was new and exciting to us, and we loved the color and movement in her work!
Linda Warren presented her Trunk Show and discussed successful fabric selection for more dynamic quilts! She also offered a Pop-Up Shop with wonderful fabrics, patterns, and her “Learning Curve Ruler”.
We had a lot of important business to discuss, but ended our meeting with a wonderful Show & Share! Here are the pieces that were made for our “Unconventional Materials” themed challenge!
Laura Scott talked to us about studio art quilt design in conjunction with her showcase at the Bethlehem Public Library called “Frame of Mind”.
Our Annual Picnic was held at Albany’s Six Mile Waterworks Park! We had a beautiful evening!
Leslie Whitcomb led a fun, informative and relatable presentation about Walking Foot & Free Motion Quilting!
Usha Berlin from Handloom Batik in Hudson, NY was our special guest! She shared a personal story about how she brought her family’s handblock batkis into the quilting world, and showed us beautiful examples of her fabrics used in quilts.
A snowstorm prevented us from meeting in person this month, but we had a fabulous Zoom presentation and discussion about QuiltCon2023 led by member Rachel Rose!
Thank you all for making this guild a place to share creativity and thoughtful critique.
Sashiko stitching and Japanese textiles were the stars of the show!
We had a full schedule and a lot of news to share for the new year!
Games! Prizes! Poems! Quilts! Delicious food! Fabulous company!
Teresa Duryea Wong joined us over Zoom for a fascinating lecture about the relationship between quilts and modern art. Learn more about her and her books at TeresaDuryeaWong.com.
The November Community Sewing Day was a huge success! Thank you to all the participating members. Our Adirondack Abstract quilt will be ready for entry to QuiltCon 2023!
We welcomed Katie & Lori Rosa from Bloom Fabric/Art/Retreat in Margaretville, NY.
Congratulations to Liz Poole for winning the “Wishes for Ukrainian Peace” quilt raffle!
This meeting was all about bright, bold color!
Our Show & Share was spectacular!
· Next meeting: September 13, 2022 – 7 p.m. over Zoom
The photo to the right shows the assembled quilt top of our May 2022 BOM (thank you, Kathy!)
Our Annual Picnic - held at The Crossings Park in Colonie
CDMQG Updates:
· Next meeting: August 9th – Bethlehem Public Library – 7 p.m.
· August 6-7th: Lake Luzerne Quilt Show – Held at the Hadley Luzerne High School - $6.
· August 7th: Open Sew Day at Brunswick Community Library
· September 13th – Virtual @ home or Bethlehem Public Library – 7 p.m.
Sarah Ruiz: 100 Days to Creative Bliss. Alix will be at Brunswick Library for anyone who needs a better internet connection for this program.
· September 24th – Zoom – Audrey Esarey Workshop from your home: “Drafting Patterns and Exploring Curves: 5 hour workshop at $50.00 per person cash or check, 20 person limit. You can use our new CDMQG Online Shop to reserve your spot now! PayPal is accepted. Register before we open this up to the public!
· October 11th at 7 p.m. – Bethlehem Public Library and Zoom
· November 8th at 7 p.m. – Brunswick Community Library or Zoom
With Teresa Duryea Wong: Hello Modern Art, Meet Antique Quilts
· December 13th at 7 p.m. – Holiday Party at Bethlehem Public Library
· Membership is at 64!
Check out the website for the Organic Diamond Block with pattern and instructions: https://www.capitaldistrictmqg.com/block-of-the-month
Quarterly Challenge
Check out the website for our Christmas in July challenge:
Program: Timna Tarr’s Flying Colors Virtual Trunk Show
Timna is known for making fun, colorful, award-winning quilts. Her trunk show was an entertaining ride along her quilting journey. She talked about her design and color choices, as well as the personal stories behind the quilts.
Program: Quilt Pattern Design using Adobe Suite
Alix Duggan demonstrates Pattern Design for EPP, FPP, and Traditional quilting
Alix uses Adobe Suite with Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Acrobat to take her ideas from a picture or a new design that she wants to portray in fabric to a new level. She can create designs and graphics for use at any scale using both pixel images and vector shapes. If you use any of these products at your job, you may have no problem moving into pattern design.
CDMQG Updates
June 14th meeting is VIRTUAL – Timna Tarr Trunk Show. Alix will be at the Brunswick Community Library for anyone that needs more reliable internet. 7 p.m. (Viewing Party!) We can add 30 extra places for this trunk show. Invite your quilt friends, if you want. It is only $5.00 for a guest pass on the CDMQG Online Shop.
CDMQG Updates
New Procedure when attending a meeting: Wear your name tag or use a supplied one.
July 12th – Picnic at The Crossings in Colonie – 7 p.m. (Rain Place: Bethlehem Public Library)
August 9th – Bethlehem Public Library – 7 p.m.
September 13th – Virtual @ home or Bethlehem Public Library – 7 p.m. with Sarah Ruiz: 100 Days to Creative Bliss
September 24th – Zoom – Audrey Esarey Workshop from your home: “Drafting Patterns and Exploring Curves: 5 hour workshop at $50.00 per person, 20 person limit. You can use our new CDMQG Online Shop to reserve your spot now! PayPal is accepted.
October 11th at 7 p.m. – Bethlehem Public Library and Zoom
November 8th at 7 p.m. – Bethlehem Public Library or Zoom
With Teresa Duryea Wong: Hello Modern Art, Meet Antique Quilts
December 13th at 7 p.m. – Holiday Party at Bethlehem Public Library
Membership is at 63!
Check out the website for the Intersection Block with pattern and instructions:
Quarterly Challenge
Check out the website for our mini-quilt challenge of a book cover in textile art:
Program: Longarm Quilting with Karyn Dornemann - Modern & Traditional
Karyn described her longarm quilting as one that gives professional results with much less frustration and angst than quilting by hand or regular sewing machine. AND collaboration with the longarm quilter can be fun!
Disadvantages: You may have to wait for the quilt as the quilter has others before you. It can be expensive. You must share credit in the making of the quilt.
Tips and Tricks:
Backing has to be 10” overall larger than the top.
Cut off the selvage on the back before you piece the back. It makes a difference!!!
Batting: She likes Quilters Dream.
Use bleached batting for quilts with lots of white.
Black batting for dark black quilts.
T-shirt quilt – use polyester Quilters Dream, as thin as you can.
www. Karynquilts.com 518-755-6059
There is more to Karyn’s presentation if you want to check out the full minutes.
CDMQG Updates
· New Procedure when attending a meeting: Wear your name tag or use a supplied one.
· June 4th – Brunswick Garden Day - NEED VOLUNTEERS
· June 14th – Brunswick Library and Virtual Trunk Show with Timna Tarr
· September 24th – Zoom – Audrey Esarey Workshop from your home: “Drafting Patterns and Exploring Curves: 5 hour workshop at $50.00 per person, 20 person limit
· Membership is at 61!
· Treasurer’s Report: Budget will become a part of our by-laws. Document will be made available to everyone after it is written and presented to membership.
Next Meeting: Brunswick Community Library, May 10th at 7 pm, in person and on Zoom.
Program is Alix Duggan presenting pattern design for EPP, FPP and Traditional Piecing.
· Challenges: Peace Dove and Sunflower is the block -of-the-month challenge; and our next quarterly challenge is a mini quilt that is inspired by a book cover. Go to our web page for instructions. https://www.capitaldistrictmqg.com/quarterly-challenges.
Book Cover quilt is due JUNE.
Program: Scrappy Trip Around The World
Paula Kordich introduced us to Scrappy “Trip Around the World” quilts with easy instructions. See Full March Minutes to read about it. Also, the list of web instructions and hashtags to find more resources are also in the minutes.
CDMQG Updates
Treasurer Report: Funds that came into CDMQG this month are: $1358.11. Full treasury is at $5481. As of the start of this meeting 55 members are fully signed up and paid.
New Procedure when attending a meeting: Wear your name tag or use a supplied one!
April meeting will be on April 12th, at 7 p.m. back at Brunswick Community Library.
Meeting will also be broadcast on Zoom.
Karyn Dornemann will discuss quilting from her perspective of a longarm quilter. Please feel free to bring unquilted tops for her to suggest quilting ideas.
Challenges: “Mexican Tile Study” is the block challenge.
Our next quarterly challenge are mini quilts that are inspired by book covers. Go to our web page for instructions.
https://www.capitaldistrictmqg.com/challenges. Book Cover quilt is due JUNE.
Program: Taking the Fear out of Curved Piecing!
Laura Scott delivered a great program on curves. See Full February Minutes to read about it. Also, the list of resources and You Tube tutorials are also in the minutes. https://www.laurascottdesigns.com/
Discussion at March Meeting:
In the Textile Arts: Quilted coats vs. “Quilt” Coats vs. “Textile Art” Coats
What would you do if you wanted to make a “quilted” coat?
Is it ok to cut up a quilt and use it?
What if it is historical like Gee’s Bend quilts?
CDMQG Updates
Treasurer Report: Funds that came into CDMQG this month are: $1358.11. Full treasury is at $5481. 38 members are fully signed up and paid.
New Procedure when attending a meeting: Wear your name tag or use a supplied one. 4 people came as guests. We have new members! Our membership chair, Lizzie Garavuso, supplied a goodie bag to each new member (those not attending in person, will get their bag) while the person who invited them to join is entered into a raffle for the whole year! Bring in those new members!
Charity Connections in Our Community: Albany County Crime Victims and Sexual Violence Center will be the recipient of our quilt based on our “block of the month.” So many of the “Cornered” blocks were made that we may have enough for 2 quilts. Joyce Eves will put it together. Karyn Dornemann will quilt it on her long arm. The quilt will be raffled by the organization to raise funds. Everyone who brought in a block got entered into a raffle. Tara Kordich won the raffle. Congratulations!
March meeting will be on March 8th, at 7 p.m. back at Bethlehem Public Library.
Meeting will also be broadcast on Zoom.
Paula Kordich will teach “Scrappy Trip Around the World” in March.
We have two challenges: Using our fat quarters from December meeting incorporated into a quilt – any size (mini is fine) – completed; and one finished block, NOT QUILTED, “Strawberry Wild” using curved piecing. Check out https://www.capitaldistrictmqg.com/challenges. Fat Quarter quilt is due MARCH.
Program: Learn How to EPP
Here are the links that Myra, Karen and Tara shared in their EPP presentation:
How to English Paper Piece with Tula Pink - Part 1 - Cutting | Fat Quarter Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzTBbxHsj9Y
How to English Paper Piece with Tula Pink - Part 2 - Supplies | Fat Quarter Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ca_FlbGWbM
How to English Paper Piece with Tula Pink - Part 3 - Sewing | Fat Quarter Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om52xC1MUgo
Internet Resources:
ippitydippitydesigns (Instagram)
Instagram (#englishpaperpiecing)
CDMQG Updates
Meeting dates were decided from our survey to continue on the second Tuesday of the month.
Next meeting will be on February 8th, @ 7 p.m. at the Brunswick Community Library.
March meeting will be on March 8th, @ 7 p.m. back at Bethlehem Public Library.
Both meetings will also be broadcast on Zoom.
By-laws were updated and can be viewed on the Membership page.
Programs for the next two meetings are set:
Laura Scott will talk about curved piecing in February;
Paula Kordich will teach “Trip Around the World” in March.
We have two challenges:
Using our fat quarters from December meeting incorporated into a quilt – any size (mini is fine) – completed.
Make one finished block, NOT QUILTED, 16”x16,” to be incorporated into a charity quilt. Navy is the dominant color. See the Challenges page for instructions.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with our monthly guild business and committee work.
Please get in touch with us at capitaldistrictmqg@gmail.com if you’re interested!
© 2024 Capital District MQG
Email address:
Postal address:
340 Delaware Avenue
Delmar, NY 12054